Expert on the working conditions assessment


The experience of conducting a special assessment of working conditions, production control and occupational risk assessment in the Russian Federation shows that the efficiency of these activities largely depends on the qualifications of the specialist responsible for their implementation.

In most cases, these works are performed by the invited third-party specialists who, to one degree or another, have the necessary status, knowledge, skills and, if required, the appropriate material and technical base and software. 

In connection with the introduction of the number of new and updated regulatory legal acts on occupational safety, the current situation with ensuring the quality of training of specialists in assessing working conditions was analyzed and measures were proposed to improve it.

The article provides a critical comparative legal analysis of the existing regulatory requirements for the main operating procedures for assessing the working conditions of employees.

For ensuring the required quality of work performed to assess working conditions at the workplace, the training and (or) retraining of specialists who have the right to perform all types of expert work is proposed.

An important element of improving the correctness of the expert work being carried out should be the introduction of mandatory requirements for the competence of specialists involved in the assessment of working conditions provided for by the professional standard «Specialist in the field of occupational safety» for the position (profession) «Expert in working conditions and occupational safety» or «Expert in working conditions assessment».

The proposed solutions for the training of experts in assessing working conditions will allow to perform all the above procedures in full compliance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of occupational safety. 

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2022-12-42-46
Year: 2022
Issue num: December
Keywords : occupational risk assessment industrial control special assessment of working conditions expert in working conditions assessment
  • Dontsov S.A.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assoc. Prof., Saint Petersburg State Institute of Technology, Saint Petersburg, Russia
  • Burak V.E.
    Cand. Sci. (Agricult.), Engineer LLC «Group of companies 1520», Moscow, Russia
  • Chaplygin V.S.
    Graduate Student,, Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Moscow, Russian Federation