Experimental Study of the Processes of Evacuation and Rescue of People in Case of Fire from the Pipe Rack of the Technological Line of the Gas Processing Plant


To meet the requirements of Federal Law № 123-FZ dated July 22, 2008 «Technical Regulations on fire safety requirements», it is required to determine the estimated time of people evacuation and rescue from the hazardous production facility. To solve this problem, an experimental study of the processes of people evacuation and rescue from the structure of the real gas processing plant was conducted. Evacuation and rescue were carried out from the sections of the pipe rack most remote from the exits from it. The ways for the evacuation and rescue included both horizontal parts and stairs. Rescue was carried out using special stretchers, in which there was a dummy imitating an injured person. The time of evacuation and rescue was determined when moving both down and up, which can take place at the enterprises of the oil and gas industry. The time of movement in different sections was determined by the stopwatches. Based on the measured time and the parameters of the sections along which the movement took place, the movement speeds during evacuation and rescue were found. The evacuation experiments involved untrained people, while the rescue experiments involved professional rescuers. The average movement speeds in the evacuation simulation were as follows: down the stair — 100 m/min, up — 44 m/min, along the horizontal section — 193 m/min. The average movement speeds with a victim during the simulation of rescue were the following: down the stair —22 m/min, up —16 m/min, along the horizontal path — 102 m/min.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2021-6-69-74
Year: 2021
Issue num: June
Keywords : evacuation rescue technological pipe rack velocities of the movement stairs horizontal parts of the way
  • Lagozin A.Yu.
    Deputy Head of the Institute, All-Russian Research Institute of Fire Protection of the EMERCOM of Russia, Balashikha, Russian Federation
  • Shebeko Ju.N.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Chief Research Associate FGBU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia, Balashikha, Russia
  • Leonchuk P.A.
    Sector Head, v-3-5-1@mail.ru FGBU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia, Balashikha, Russia
  • Klementiev B.A.
    Expert OOO Arktic LNG 2, New Urengoy, Russia
  • Samoshin D.A.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Head of the Educational and Scientific Complex State Academy of Fire Fighting Service of EMERCOM of Russia, Moscow, Russia