The article considers methods and tools used for the implementation of e-learning technology within the structure of «RZhD» JSC. In current conditions, the traditional methods of learning obtain new forms and content based on the implementation of innovative technologies in the process. Despite this fact, the participation of employees in production processes remains an extremely significant topic. Each employee must continue learning throughout his (her) professional career. Intercorporate training is one of the most important ways to improve the professional level of personnel. E-learning is an integral part of the contemporary learning process. Its implementation helps to improve the formation of employees’ competencies.
The effectiveness of employees depends on their knowledge of the features of innovation management, continuous professional development, systematic thinking and high responsibility for results. To achieve effective indicators, innovative solutions must be used in order not only to meet the regulatory requirements but also to ensure the comprehensive absorption of learning materials by the personnel. The work reveals the concepts of «technology of e-learning», «methods of e-learning», and «tools of e-learning» are disclosed. The main factors causing the necessity of training have been determined. The advantages and disadvantages of distance learning methods have been identified and analyzed. The elements of studies aiming at the identification of the efficiency of training methods applied based on the surveys among employees are included in the research. Practical recommendations and activities based on the use of feedback techniques and the development of critical thinking among personnel are provided.
Practical recommendations and measures based on the application of the feedback methodology and critical thinking development for employees are provided. An expert view is presented on the use of modern technical and technological solutions, as well as the latest digital capabilities in terms of optimization and efficient and safe work organization.
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