Chris Mawer, vice-president, BP, Moscow, Russia
A key insight of the review is that whilst an integrated approach strengthens the barriers which prevent major incidents, accidents and injuries process safety performance can benefit from well-organized methodological decision making, application of process safety pyramid as a carefully selected metrics to measure operational results. With the right degree of application of the process safety metrics the key performance indicators of the company could be overall increased, and improvement opportunities could be transformational in safety of company process performance.
The article describes lagging and leading indicators across four levels of the process safety pyramid to demonstrate their impact on the events. Furthermore, the article explores events classification linking them to the process of key performance indicators and listing consequences of incidents for each tier. Alongside with the comprehensive review and detailed description of process safety matrix, the article looks at effectiveness of barriers that are specifically designed as risk controls at the operating level.
It is recommended to monitor and measure key performance indicators on a regular basis to improve safety levels and complete preventive actions timely to restore the strength of preventive barriers. To have an impact the process safety metrics should be well communicated, transparent, linked to pay systems and operational parameters. Risk of manipulation should be removed.
It is recommended that safety metrics is applied to assure constant improvement, improve safety and performance.
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