Determination of the Effect of Blasting Holes Diameter on the Seismicity Coefficient at Mass Explosions near the Protected Objects at «Nuybeo» Coal Pit of Kuang Ning Province of Vietnam

Kuang Khieu Chan, Cand. Sci. (Eng.) Xuan Nam Bui, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Deputy principal Hanoi Mining and Geological University, Hanoi, Vietnam V.A Belin, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., NITU MISiS, Moscow, Russia

Mass explosions at large coal pits lead to the formation of seismic fluctuations constituting a danger for the protected objects located near the place of explosion. Seismic effect of mass explosion depends not only on the mass of the charge, but also on density of loading and diameter of the blast holes. At determination of seismicity coefficient, it is necessary to compare seismic effect of explosions of charges of different diameters at distance change to protected objects. It gives the chance to predict in practice the seismic effect of mass explosion at the execution of blasting operations in the pits. This work presents the results of researches of the effect of the blast holes diameter on the seismicity coefficient and safe parameters of seismic waves for buildings, residential houses and other objects on the way of their propagation near the edge of «Nuybeo» pit (Vietnam).
Determination of seismicity coefficient when carrying out trial blasts allows to compare the seismic effect of explosions of blasthole charges of different diameters at various distances, and gives the chance to predict in practice the seismic effect of explosion at blasting operations execution near the protected objects at the coal pits of Vietnam.
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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2017-7-13-16
Year: 2017
Issue num: July
Keywords : static electricity isolating surfaces grounding device electrical potential explosive mixture