M.S. Skvortsov, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Lead Software Engineer, mikhail_skvortsov@szma.com AO «SPIK SZMA», Saint-Petersburg, Russia
At present in the Russian Federation there is the regulatory base regulating the principles of creation of safety systems for hazardous production facilities, and the requirements for selecting technical means for them. Design of emergency shutdown systems provides for the fulfillment of the requirements of functional safety. The requirements of standards for functional safety are provided to reliability and fault tolerance of contours of safety of emergency shutdown systems. The methods are described concerning the application of functional integrity diagrams for creation of structural and logical models for calculation of indicators of reliability for contours of emergency shutdown systems. The process is considered related to identification of the reached levels of safety by functions of safety of emergency shutdown systems developed for the enterprises of processing industries. The list of documents is given, which should be included in to the scope of design (working) documentation for construction, reconstruction and technical-re-equipment. Examples are shown concerning the quantitative assessment of indicators of functional safety of the systems according to the recommendations of standards GOST R IEC 61508-6—2012 and GOST R IEC 61511-1—2011 by means of the ARBITR software complex certified by Rostechnadzor. The conclusion is drawn on the need in including the design assessment of functional safety in the scope of documentation submitted for state expertise and for industrial safety expertise.
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13. Mozhaev A.S., Skvortsov M.S., Strukov A.V. Application of the automated structural and logical modeling for design calculation of DCS reliability. Neft. Gaz. Novatsii = Oil. Gas. Innovations. 2010. № 9. pp. 72–78.
14. Gladkova I.A., Mozhaev A.S., Nozik A.A., Strukov A.V. Use of the ARBITR personal computer in the tasks of design assessment of reliability of the structural and complicated systems. Sb. dokl. Mezhdunar. nauch. seminara im. Yu.N. Rudenko «Metodicheskie voprosy issledovaniya nadezhnosti bolshikh sistem energetiki» = Book of Reports of the International Seminar of Yu.N. Rudenko «Methodical Issues of Study of the Reliability of Large Energy Systems». Irkutsk, 2015.