Constant Monitoring System of Hydrocarbon Vapors Concentration in the Working Zone Air

N.Kh. Abdrakhmanov, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Head of the Department, A.M. Egorov, Master Student FSBEI HE Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa, Russia


Personnel operating main liquid hydrocarbons pipelines is forced to work in the zones containing oil and petroleum products vapors. Invisibility is the main potential hazard of the vapors.
Ensuring safety is aimed at the reduction of risks for personnel and works. Application of means ensuring early warning systems allows to have more time for decision-making and corrective actions. These systems are also used as a part of general monitoring and safety ensuring system, including the detection of fire outbreaks and emergency shutdowns of the technological process. The concept of combination of stationary gas hazard monitoring systems and portable, individual ones designed to protect personnel from the potential threat of hazard caused by explosive and toxic vapors is applied today.
The article analyzes the existing gas contamination constant monitoring systems presented at the world market. At present, there are no complex systems completely meeting the requirements of oil companies and performing all the desired functions. The concept of the system for constant monitoring of hydrocarbon vapors concentration in the air of the working zone is proposed. Sampling points in the pit and pipeline are at the places of the most probable occurrence of vapors.
The system includes: control and management unit executing the function of  collecting data on the state of all system elements; mobile gas analyzers located in the places of the most probable occurrence of gas contamination; individual gas analyzers attached to the special clothing of workers and transmitting gas contamination data to the control and management unit via the radio channel; the radio commands execution unit that disables the non-explosion-proof electrical equipment located in the explosion hazardous zone.


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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2017-10-18-21
Year: 2017
Issue num: October
Keywords : safety ensuring gas contamination gas analyzers control and management unit vapors of oil and petroleum products