L.P. Vogman, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Chief Research Associate, vniipo-3.5.3@ya.ru E.E. Prostov, Senior Researcher FGBU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia, Moscow, Russia I.A. Korolchenko, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Assoc. Prof., Head of Department FGBU NIIPKH Rosrezerv, Moscow, Russia
The example is presented related to the calculation of thermal self-ignition conditions for technical carbon based on the methods included in the new version of GOST 12.1.044—89 (ISO 4589—84) «Occupational Safety Standards System. Fire-and-Explosion Hazard of Substances and Materials. Nomenclature of Indicators and the Methods of their Identification». The new methods consider the process of kinetics, it allows to calculate self-ignition conditions for various real geometrical forms of storage and the sizes of combustible materials. The results of calculations of kinetic parameters, time of induction, the critical size and the temperature of self-ignition can be used for prevention of fires at storage and transportation of solid combustible substances and materials.
According to the methods of research of thermal self-ignition conditions, which are contained in the current version of GOST 12.1.044—89, received in the thermostat experimental values of minimum ambient temperature at self-ignition and time of delay of self-ignition process are handled in the form of diagrams. The equations received on their basis with an accuracy sufficient for practice describe the self-ignition conditions for samples of the material sizes and forms adopted in the experiments. However, an extrapolation of laboratory data on the sizes of samples of solid disperse materials embankments, which are close to real one, will be incorrect. The reason — considerable change of conditions of heat transfer from the laminar mode of heat exchange to turbulent one, which accompany self-ignition of real objects at storage and transportation of loose and fibrous materials, is not considered. As a result, the essential errors can occur when identifying the conditions of real embankments and materials self-ignition.
The developed thermal self-ignition conditions methods, given in the new version of GOST 12.1.044—89, are based on the up-to-date ideas about the processes of self-ignition and heat exchange.
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