In the modern world, nanotechnologies are used in almost all the areas of the national economy: industry, agriculture, electronics, mechanics, medicine (nanocapsules), food industry (packaging materials, food enrichment with micronutrients), ecology (water treatment, oil well treatment).
The market for carbon nanomaterials is constantly evolving, which leads to questions about the problems of exposure to nanoparticles for personnel in the working areas of production facilities. Products of the powder nanomaterials formation can enter the environment at all the stages of their production. It is also known that a nanoscale substance can behave differently than the same material in a larger bulk form. With a decrease in size, the melting point of the material, color, strength, chemical activity, and other parameters can change.
In the existing regulatory and legal framework in the field occupational safety, insufficient attention is paid to the issues of safety and health of the nanotechnological laboratories personnel. This is due to the lack of unified international norms, and the insufficiently studied problem of the nanoparticle toxicity.
Therefore, it is necessary to assess the impact of nanomaterials on people, which should be carried out in dynamics and covering various groups of the population, as well as conducting scientific studies of the effect of the nanomaterials on plants and animals.
The aim of the research was a comprehensive study of the effect of chemical pollutants on the development of plants. Modern methods of analysis were used in the work: atomic absorption spectrometry, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy, which allows to determine the accumulation of carbon nanomaterials in plants through the soil medium. The experiment showed that at the initial stage, nanomaterials have a beneficial effect on plant growth, but in the future, they have a depressing character. On the obtained micrographs, a violation of the cellular structure is observed.
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