Safety and Risk Reduction during Operation of Gas-Engine Compressors


One of the most important factors in the operation of gas-engine compressors, and consequently, gas lift compressor stations is technical safety. In order to protect the equipment from premature wear and technical failures occurrence, as well as to prevent man-made emergencies at the gas-lift compressor stations, the technical condition of gas-engine compressor units should comply with the requirements for safe operation of compressor plants that are operating in explosion and fire hazardous areas. All technical failures are accompanied by a decrease in intermediate pressures at all the stages and an increase in the gas discharge temperature with the subsequent occurrence of fire hazardous situations. Therefore, ensuring safety at the gas compressor station is a current problem in the oil industry. Safety, failure-free operation and efficiency of gas lift operation in oil and gas production wells are mainly determined by the reliability of individual assemblies and components of compressor units. As practice shows, the failures associated with defects in the valve assemblies of these units result in energy losses and even complete equipment failure. In order to increase the efficiency of safe operation of piston compressor valves working in the gas lift system, it is required to clean the associated petroleum gas before delivering to the compressor cylinder of the first-stage gas-engine compressor. It is needed to remove medium and micro-grained dripping liquid and solid mechanical impurities, which lead to failures and emergency.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2020-2-18-23
Year: 2020
Issue num: February
Keywords : reservoir associated petroleum gas gas lift operation safety oil and gas wells gas-engine piston compressor gas lift compressor station valve plate
  • Seidakhmedov N.S.
    Deputy Director, Azerbaijan State Research Institute on Occupational Safety, Baku, Azerbaijan