Background Indicators of Accident Rate — Indicators of Efficiency of Introduction of Instruments for Industrial Safety Regulation


Real orienting points of the available hazards of accidents, and also the reached and desirable level of ensuring industrial safety are required for constructive implementation of risk-oriented approach to the field of ensuring industrial safety. One of the most important indicators of industrial safety condition can serve the background risk of accidents fixed not at the individual hazardous production facility, but in the branches where hazardous production facilities are operating. It is possible to make judgement about the condition and efficiency of industrial safety management system at operating hazardous production facility based on the change of the background risk of accident in the branch and at the specific supervised facility. Hazardous production facility as the main source of knowledge about hazards and application of forces in the field of ensuring industrial safety has distinctive properties simultaneously both as «hazard» and «production». Special indicators showing interaction of «hazard» and «production» properties are required to assess safety condition at a hazardous production facility. The Article shows the trends of change of the proposed indicators of accident hazard in the branches where hazardous production facilities are operating. These indicators do not abolish but only add the traditional indicators of incident and injury rates allowing for making assessment of accidents hazard during transition and crisis periods. The background risk of accident — the representative indicator for an assessment of efficiency of using both traditional control and supervision and the development of the up-to-date risk-oriented approaches of industrial safety regulation.

A.S. Pecherkin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Director Fund of James Bruce, Moscow, Russia A.I. Grazhdankin, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Department Head, STC «Industrial Safety» CJSC, Moscow, Russia


Real orienting points of the available hazards of accidents, and also the reached and desirable level of ensuring industrial safety are required for constructive implementation of risk-oriented approach to the field of ensuring industrial safety. One of the most important indicators of industrial safety condition can serve the background risk of accidents fixed not at the individual hazardous production facility, but in the branches where hazardous production facilities are operating. It is possible to make judgement about the condition and efficiency of industrial safety management system at operating hazardous production facility based on the change of the background risk of accident in the branch and at the specific supervised facility. Hazardous production facility as the main source of knowledge about hazards and application of forces in the field of ensuring industrial safety has distinctive properties simultaneously both as «hazard» and «production». Special indicators showing interaction of «hazard» and «production» properties are required to assess safety condition at a hazardous production facility. The Article shows the trends of change of the proposed indicators of accident hazard in the branches where hazardous production facilities are operating. These indicators do not abolish but only add the traditional indicators of incident and injury rates allowing for making assessment of accidents hazard during transition and crisis periods. The background risk of accident — the representative indicator for an assessment of efficiency of using both traditional control and supervision and the development of the up-to-date risk-oriented approaches of industrial safety regulation.


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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2017-5-5-8
Year: 2017
Issue num: May
Keywords : hazardous production facility an indicator of accident hazard risk-oriented approach background risk of accident
  • ;
    Pecherkin A.S.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Director, Fund of James Bruce, Moscow, Russia
  • ;
    Grazhdankin A.I.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Department Head, STC «Industrial Safety» CJSC, Moscow, Russia