N.S. Seidakhmedov, Deputy Director, n.natiq.az@mail.ru Azerbaijan State Research Institute on Occupational Safety, Baku, Azerbaijan
In the structure of Azerbaijan oil and gas industry the gas-lift operation of offshore oil and gas wells holds an important place. Efficiency and safety of gas-lift operation is largely determined by reliability of the individual units and components of compressor equipment. As the working environment the associated petroleum gas is used, which is separated from the oil produced during its field processing, and after its compression at the compressor station.
In this paper the results of studies are given related to the assessment of safe operation of piston compressor valves. It is shown that to protect valves from premature wear and failure, it is required to clean the associated gas from solid inclusions (dust, sand, scale, corrosion products), and dehydrate from liquid hydrocarbon components. With this objective at the suction line it is proposed to install additional horizontal gas separator of new design.
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