Analytical Solution of the Problem of One-Dimensional Stationary Flowing of the Compressed Liquid and Gas


Mathematical modeling of emergency emissions at gas wells blowing — an important forecasting phase of accidents consequences and calculation of quantitative risk indices at hazardous production facilities of oil and gas production. For settled blowing the calculation of parameters of medium movement along the well bore and emergency well flow rate shall be carried out by the solution of equation system including the equation of preservation of a number of movement in a differential form, the equation of continuity and the equation of a state. Analytical solutions of the above-stated system of the equations for cases of stationary flowing of gaseous, two-phase and liquid medium along the well section are obtained.
Presented dependences can be also applied for calculation of the parameters of stationary flowing along the pipelines.
Comparison was carried out of different tasks solutions with the use of ratios proposed in this work, and the direct numerical solution of the original system of equations. Comparison has shown satisfactory coherence of the obtained results.
The analytical dependencies presented in the Article allow to significantly simplify the solution of above-mentioned tasks. For carrying out calculations the authors of the Article have developed the computer program, which is currently included in the software TOXI+Risk 5 for an assessment of accidents consequences and calculation of quantitative indices of risk at hazardous production facilities.

S.V. Prokudin, Lead Specialist A.S. Sofyin, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Department Head, A.A. Agapov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Director of the Computational Analysis Center STC «Industrial Safety» CJSC, Moscow, Russia


Mathematical modeling of emergency emissions at gas wells blowing — an important forecasting phase of accidents consequences and calculation of quantitative risk indices at hazardous production facilities of oil and gas production. For settled blowing the calculation of parameters of medium movement along the well bore and emergency well flow rate shall be carried out by the solution of equation system including the equation of preservation of a number of movement in a differential form, the equation of continuity and the equation of a state. Analytical solutions of the above-stated system of the equations for cases of stationary flowing of gaseous, two-phase and liquid medium along the well section are obtained.
Presented dependences can be also applied for calculation of the parameters of stationary flowing along the pipelines.
Comparison was carried out of different tasks solutions with the use of ratios proposed in this work, and the direct numerical solution of the original system of equations. Comparison has shown satisfactory coherence of the obtained results.
The analytical dependencies presented in the Article allow to significantly simplify the solution of above-mentioned tasks. For carrying out calculations the authors of the Article have developed the computer program, which is currently included in the software TOXI+Risk 5 for an assessment of accidents consequences and calculation of quantitative indices of risk at hazardous production facilities.


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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2017-5-36-41
Year: 2017
Issue num: May
Keywords : mathematical model one-dimensional stationary current oil and gas production spouting of the well pipeline transport assessment of consequences of accidents