Review and analysis of mathematical models of heavy gas clouds dispersion, and the relevant software complexes are presented. Four main groups of models of heavy gas clouds dispersion are allocated: empirical, integral, Lagrangian and CFD-models. Use of empirical models is limited by the conditions close to the conditions of experiments in which they were created. Integrated models allow to ensure good coincidence with the results of experiments for emissions in the conditions of the flat area in the non-congested space. Within CFD-models it is possible to obtain the most precise and reliable results, especially at emissions on the complicated relief, in the conditions of, congestion, full or partially confined space. The conclusion is drawn on the need of conducting the procedure of verification of all the mathematical models by comparison of the obtained results of modeling with the data of full-scale experiments.
E.A. Agapova, Researcher, Autonomous Noncommercial Organization «Industrial Risk Research Agency», Moscow, Russia S.I. Sumskoi, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Lector NIYAU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia
Review and analysis of mathematical models of heavy gas clouds dispersion, and the relevant software complexes are presented. Four main groups of models of heavy gas clouds dispersion are allocated: empirical, integral, Lagrangian and CFD-models. Use of empirical models is limited by the conditions close to the conditions of experiments in which they were created. Integrated models allow to ensure good coincidence with the results of experiments for emissions in the conditions of the flat area in the non-congested space. Within CFD-models it is possible to obtain the most precise and reliable results, especially at emissions on the complicated relief, in the conditions of, congestion, full or partially confined space. The conclusion is drawn on the need of conducting the procedure of verification of all the mathematical models by comparison of the obtained results of modeling with the data of full-scale experiments.
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