Despite the industrial revolutions, optimization of production processes, the use of robotics and other advances of science and technology, the share of machine-tool equipment in the execution of the plan at industrial enterprises is large. Human-machine interaction is also invariable. In this regard, the injury rate of machine operators from year to year remains above average. To manage the employee occupational risks, it is required to carefully analyze the source of the risk — the machine-tool equipment used.
To manage the professional risks of a machine operator, it is required to assess the following parameters of the machine-tool complex: traumatic factors in accordance with the current legal requirements, and the data obtained as a result of the equipment practical application; completeness and content of the technical documentation for the machine-tool equipment; equipment life cycle stage, equipment operation period; fulfillment of the scheduled preventive maintenance schedule; the number and nature of emergency equipment failures; ergonomic indicators of the machine.
The analysis carried out according to the specified parameters can be presented visually in the form of a diagram reflecting the condition of machine equipment on six elements and on three levels using generally accepted signal colors: green - corresponds, yellow — partially corresponds, red — does not correspond. Thus, the results of the conducted analysis are visualized on a color chart, and mathematically evaluated as a percentage.
Comprehensive assessment of the state of machine-tool equipment makes it possible to more efficiently determine the risks for those working on the machine-tool equipment, as well as develop measures for the modernization or replacement of the machine-tool park.
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