Analysis of Procedural Components of the Investigation of Industrial Accidents Affecting the Efficiency of Occupational Safety Management System


Operations in the mining and metallurgical industry are associated with many types of occupational hazards. Traditionally, companies in the mining and metallurgical industry focus on ensuring occupational safety. The reduction of occupational injuries and providing safe working conditions are the main values of enterprises in the mining and metallurgical industry of the Russian Federation. 

When searching for efficient tools to ensure occupational safety, it is crucial to consider the tendencies of changing workflow and technical progress. 

There are many tools to reduce the level of occupational injuries; however, the efficiency of the process of investigation of industrial accidents conditions the prevention of similar accidents in the future.

Accidents occurred to employees and other persons involved in the employer's production activities by performing their job duties or any jobs by the request of an employer as well as other lawful actions caused by employment relationships with the employer or committed in his/her interests, are subject to investigation and registration. 

In order to improve the occupational safety management system at a company, the study has analyzed the occupational injury rate in the Russian Federation, identified the dominating causes of industrial accidents, and the components of the investigation procedure of accidents affecting the efficiency of the process. 

The objective of the qualitative investigation of industrial accidents is the identification of deficiencies in business processes that caused the accidents as well as the development of corrective measures to eliminate the causes of accidents and prevent the recurrence of accidents with similar causes in the future.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2024-5-53-58
Year: 2024
Issue num: May
Keywords : occupational safety industrial injuries statistical data occupational safetу management system corrective measures investigation of industrial accidents, commitment to safety
  • Pronina D.E.
    Postgraduate Student,, National University of Science and Technology «MISIS», Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Filin A.E.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof. of the Department, Assoc. Prof., National University of Science and Technology «MISIS», Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Vladykina S.A.
    Postgraduate Student, National University of Science and Technology «MISIS», Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Kolbina I.S.
    Postgraduate Student, National University of Science and Technology «MISIS», Moscow, Russian Federation