Analysis of Occupational Injuries and Occupational Morbidity at the Enterprises of Kuzbass Coal Industry


The level of occupational risks, to which employees of coal enterprises are exposed, is significantly higher than in other branches of industry. Therefore, one of the main tasks of the coal complex development is the prevention of occupational diseases and injury rate based on risk assessment and analysis.

The article gives a brief description of the coal industry — in the Kemerovo region. The information is given about the production capacity of enterprises and the volume of coal production in the region. It is established that the high levels of occupational injuries and diseases are explained by the impact on employees of the number of harmful and hazardous factors of the production environment and the labor process. At the same time, 80% of occupational diseases in Kuzbass occur at the coal mining enterprises.

Statistical information is presented on the identified cases of occupational diseases at the mines and open pits of the Kemerovo region — Kuzbass in 2021. Possible causes of the high accident rate, including fatal injuries of the personnel, in the mines of Kuzbass over 5 years are identified. It is noted that 91.3 % of all the injuries in the coal industry occur at the enterprises that carry out underground mining.

Despite the ongoing accidents and loss of life, the issue of miner safety is not becoming a priority. Many business leaders do not pay enough attention to this issue, and they have little control over the planned steps in this direction. Occupational safety measures are often funded on a residual basis and are not fully implemented. Therefore, improving the working conditions of the coal industry employees, reducing the level of injuries and occupational diseases among them were and remain the urgent tasks.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2022-11-50-56
Year: 2022
Issue num: November
Keywords : safety occupational safety hazardous working conditions injury rate occupational diseases occupational risks accidents coal mining enterprises injuries