When performing technological operations of casting the cast iron into the converter, the steel ropes of bridge casting cranes in steelmaking workshops are subjected to cyclic power and high-intensity thermal loading. These operational factors lead to a decrease in the load-bearing capacity of the cargo ropes. Corrosion and abrasive wear of the ropes is accompanied by the change in the mechanical characteristics of the wires metal as a result of thermal cycling. Therefore, monitoring the current technical condition of cargo ropes is of great importance for ensuring filling cranes safe operation. Therefore, monitoring the current technical condition of cargo ropes is of great importance for ensuring hot-metal cranes safe operation. The article reflects the results of laboratory experiments and field tests concerning the study of the operating factors influence on the performance of the ropes of the hot-metal cranes of the converter steelmaking shop at PAO Severstal. Recommendations are given on the organization of monitoring, correction of the limit value of the allowable loss of cross-section for metal and the extension of the standard service life of cargo ropes of the mechanisms of the main lifting for filling cranes.
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