The article considers the issue of the development of an algorithm for the assessment of the consequences of failure (CoF) of the process pipeline of the gas condensate stabilization system of a hazardous production facility.
The assessment of the consequences of failure is one of the main components of a risk-oriented approach to the inspection of technical devices. In accordance with the API RP 581 3rd Edition methodology, the assessment is used for equipment ranking and designed to determine the priority of inspections. Inspection, in turn, is a tool to ensure integrity, i.e., the condition of equipment that ensures its leak-tightness, which undoubtedly is a necessary condition of industrial safety.
The algorithm and the detailed procedure of calculation of failure consequences consisting of 13 basic stages have been provided. As an example, the calculation of failure consequences has been conducted by the API RP 581 3rd Edition methodology (Level 1). The basic stages and the results of calculation have been compared to the calculation methodologies of technical device failure consequences effective in Russia.
The results of the comparative analysis of methodologies indicate their similarity as to the application of common methods of the analysis of accident scenarios, the use of similar initial data, and the focus on the reduction of equipment failure risk. At the same time, significant differences in indices and criteria of acceptable risk level have been detected. The results of the calculation indicated the conservatism of the API 581 3rd Edition methodology (Level 1).
The application of calculation of failure consequences by the API RP 581 3rd Edition methodology (Level 1) in the field of risk-oriented approach to the inspection of technical devices is possible upon its adaptation to the standards generally accepted in Russia.
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