Actual Problems of Insurance of Hazardous Production Facilities of the Oil and Gas Industry in Russia


The article deals with the issues of insurance of hazardous production facilities in the oil and gas industry. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, insurance payments are provided only in case of harm to life or health of people, while the risks of environmental damage are not necessarily insured. The analysis is given related to the practice of insurance activities of hazardous production facilities in other countries. Various types of insured risks, mechanisms for determining insurance premiums, insurance algorithms and other features of this type of insurance are considered. It is noted that foreign insurance companies have a more developed methodology and are accompanied by more substantial state support. 

Based on the conducted analysis, a conclusion was made about the need to reorganize the insurance system for hazardous production facilities. This will allow in the future to improve the system of industrial safety expertise. The updated insurance system may include an expanded list of insured risks, more accurate methods for determining insurance premiums, and more efficient insurance algorithms. The conclusion made about the need for state support in this area, comparable to that used by the foreign insurance companies, is also important.

The result of such changes will be a more efficient insurance system for hazardous production facilities, which will improve industrial safety and the level of environmental protection.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2023-6-29-35
Year: 2023
Issue num: June
Keywords : industrial safety expertise hazardous production facilities environmental damage oil and gas industry damage compensation insurance problems insurance payments threat to life and health of the people types of insured risks insurance premiums insurance algorithm