Additives for Increasing Industrial Safety of the Equipment Cooling and Heating Systems


For improving labor conditions and occupational safety, the attention is drawn not only to the hazardous industries, but also to those branches and their enterprises that were traditionally considered successful. The risk factors of processes and materials are investigated even with a remote threat to humans and production, the environment. For example, such a well-studied factor as metal corrosion, with a variety of measures on reducing risks and consequences due to loss of properties of metal structural elements and materials used. Protection against metal corrosion during production and storage depends on the atmospheric conditions and climate, loads and deformation effects, cost and quality of the materials and the media used, and other factors. Therefore, lubricating-cooling technological compositions, including heat-transferring, lubricating, cooling, and cutting-lubricating fluids, are faced with more and more increasing requirements on improvement of their properties, stability, durability, safety and environmental friendliness during operation. The most effective and simple, as well as the least material consumption method of improving their specific properties is the correction by additive agents (additives). This study presents the types and target functions of the refrigerating fluid additives and the results of their influence on industrial safety of cooling and heating systems of the metallurgical and heat power equipment. An algorithm is proposed for improving corrosion protection, preventing scaling and bio-damage of reagents, structures and products by using a hybrid low-toxic corrosion and scaling inhibitor with bactericidal properties.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2019-12-46-52
Year: 2019
Issue num: December
Keywords : industrial safety corrosion bio-damage metallurgical and power-generating equipment refrigerating fluids additives
  • Galkin M.L.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia
  • Manokhina N.G.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Scientific Consultant, MKhO named after D.I. Mendeleyev, Moscow, Russia