The article is devoted to the formation of a safe working environment at the industrial enterprises. Conducted experimental studies allowed to reveal not only the presence of electric and magnetic fields of 50 Hz, but also the spectrum of higher harmonic components at the workplaces of electrical personnel. Similar situation is observed in the electric (freight) alternating current locomotives of the railway transport. This is due to the specific features of electrical installations of two-pole and single-phase traction power supply. The important problem was solved related to the assessment of the additive effects of electric and magnetic fields with their simultaneous effect on the personnel. The new method is proposed for calculating and standardizing electric and magnetic fields of 50 Hz based on consideration of their dose energy characteristics at their simultaneous harmful effects on the personnel. The standardization is proposed to be carried out on the basis of the current maximum permissible levels of the parameters of 50 Hz electric and magnetic fields but in the form of the field energy characteristics based on the definition of the Poynting vector. The additivity of the effect of electric and magnetic fields on the personnel is proposed to be assessed by the additivity coefficient in the form of a quantitative measure of the combined harmful effect of the field strengths components. At the additive standardization of simultaneously two harmful factors of the electric and magnetic field strengths, the standardized indicators of magnetic and electric strengths required for assessing the total energy maximum safe level are reduced by 2 times. Based on the maximum permissible levels of electric and magnetic fields, a graph was built for the changes in the energy load of these fields versus the length of exposure. Technical device was developed that measures the level of energy load of the electric and magnetic fields. Using this device, it is possible to minimize the total effect of harmful factors on the electrical personnel with the help of protective means.
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