G.V. Nesyn, Dr. Sci. (Chem.), Lead Researcher, NesynGV@niitnn.transneft.ru OOO NII Transneft, Moscow, Russia
The article is devoted to cleaning the oil tanks from the bottom sediments. Brief review of mechanical, physico-chemical, thermal, hydraulic methods, as well as their combinations are given. It is noted that wide-spread method of Diogenes type screw propeller caving of tank bottom sediments is not free from shortcomings and unsuitable to prevent their formation because of high power consumption. In this sense, the jet methods are more economical due to the use of a part of potential energy of the flow in the pipeline upstream the tank, and their hydrodynamic power exceeds the power of the propeller-type mixers.
On top of that flooded jets can get additional possibilities by introducing the high molecular weight oil-soluble polymers into the flow. The compact distance of the flooded nozzle jet becomes longer, moreover the jet assumes «cutting» feature. So, the interaction of the «reinforced» jet and the sediments become so close that a heat is produced. The temperature of outer reservoir surface reached 40 º C up to the height of the sediments. Mechanical energy dissipation of the «reinforced» jet to the thermal one, most probably will result in auto acceleration of the washing-out process due to bottom sediments softening. The paper describes an example when polymer activation of the flooded jets helped to move about 4000 tons of sediments from 2 tanks PBC 20000.
Preventing the sedimentation of crude oil heavy components may be carried out with the innovative Immiscible Layer Technology. The very core of the subject is to pour into the oil of the tank some quantity of heavy immiscible liquid, preferably glycerine. Crude oil and glycerine form two layers divided by oil-glycerine interface. Paraffin, resins and asphaltenes do not penetrate into glycerine layer because of their lower density. To prevent their accumulation at the interface the glycerine must be heated at external heat source. Then thermal convection induces the motion of paraffin, resins and asphaltenes away from the interface. External equipment may include also dehydration device and a filter as well. Immiscible Layer Technology can prolong the interval between the cleanings by several times. The corrosion absence in glycerine — bottom contact can also prolong the life of the tank by several times.
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