On the Methodological Recommendations for Classification of Emergency Events at Hazardous Production Facilities of the Oil and Gas Complex



Rostechnadzor Order of January 24, 2018 № 29 approved Safety Guide «Methodological Recommendations for the Classification of Technological Events in the Field of Industrial Safety at Hazardous Production Facilities of the Oil and Gas Complex», which contains the recommendations on the four-level classification of emergency events at hazardous production facilities of the oil and gas complex: accidents; incidents; preconditions for incidents; violations in the system of industrial safety management and industrial control, and (or) dangerous abuse of the process parameters.
Criteria for classification of emergency events are harmonized with the American code ANSI / API RP-754 «Process Safety Performance Indicators for the Refining & Petrochemical Industries», and the guide of the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers OGP-456-2011–2017 «Process Safety — Recommended Practice on Key Performance Indicators».
The principles and recommendations for the classification of emergency events described in the guide are used at the investigation and recording of accidents and incidents; assessment of the efficiency of systems of industrial safety management and industrial control; determination of the level of safety at hazardous production facilities of the oil and gas complex; hazard analysis and accident risk assessment; development of the documents of the operating organizations on recording of the accidents, investigation and recording of the incidents, recording and preventing of the violations of industrial safety requirements; development of plans of activities for localization and liquidation of consequences of accidents, industrial safety declarations, safety cases for hazardous production facilities of the oil and gas complex; development of the activities on ensuring remote control at hazardous production facilities of the oil and gas complex.
The guide for the first time presented the threshold quantities for the assessment of emergency releases of hazardous substances at the linear and site hazardous production facilities of the oil and gas complex, as well as comprehensive typical signs of difference in pre-emergency destructions, failures and damages of technical devices.
The results of the static analysis of the causes of the emergence of the entire spectrum of accidents at hazardous production facilities of the oil and gas complex should be appropriately used when assessing and taking preventive measures on prevention of accidents, incidents in the annual analysis of functioning of industrial safety management system and production control, and effective implementation of the remote control.

S.G. Radionova, Deputy Head S.A. Zhulina, Department Head T.A. Kuznetsova, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Deputy Head of the Department Rostechnadzor, Moscow, Russia I.A. Kruchinina, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Director ANO «Industrial Risk Research Agency», Moscow, Russia A.I. Grazhdankin, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Department Head, gra@safety.ru STC «Industrial Center» CJSC O.V. Kurpatov, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Director on Software Systems Development ZAO RKSS, Moscow, Russia


Rostechnadzor Order of January 24, 2018 № 29 approved Safety Guide «Methodological Recommendations for the Classification of Technological Events in the Field of Industrial Safety at Hazardous Production Facilities of the Oil and Gas Complex», which contains the recommendations on the four-level classification of emergency events at hazardous production facilities of the oil and gas complex: accidents; incidents; preconditions for incidents; violations in the system of industrial safety management and industrial control, and (or) dangerous abuse of the process parameters.
Criteria for classification of emergency events are harmonized with the American code ANSI / API RP-754 «Process Safety Performance Indicators for the Refining & Petrochemical Industries», and the guide of the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers OGP-456-2011–2017 «Process Safety — Recommended Practice on Key Performance Indicators».
The principles and recommendations for the classification of emergency events described in the guide are used at the investigation and recording of accidents and incidents; assessment of the efficiency of systems of industrial safety management and industrial control; determination of the level of safety at hazardous production facilities of the oil and gas complex; hazard analysis and accident risk assessment; development of the documents of the operating organizations on recording of the accidents, investigation and recording of the incidents, recording and preventing of the violations of industrial safety requirements; development of plans of activities for localization and liquidation of consequences of accidents, industrial safety declarations, safety cases for hazardous production facilities of the oil and gas complex; development of the activities on ensuring remote control at hazardous production facilities of the oil and gas complex.
The guide for the first time presented the threshold quantities for the assessment of emergency releases of hazardous substances at the linear and site hazardous production facilities of the oil and gas complex, as well as comprehensive typical signs of difference in pre-emergency destructions, failures and damages of technical devices.
The results of the static analysis of the causes of the emergence of the entire spectrum of accidents at hazardous production facilities of the oil and gas complex should be appropriately used when assessing and taking preventive measures on prevention of accidents, incidents in the annual analysis of functioning of industrial safety management system and production control, and effective implementation of the remote control.


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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2018-9-22-30
Year: 2018
Issue num: September
Keywords : industrial safety risk-oriented approach accident incident oil and gas complex emergency event remote control