S.G. Ivantsova, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., sivants11@gmail.com I.A. Leonovich, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Senior Lecturer Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University), Moscow, Russia
Dynamics of development of the world natural gas consumption shows that LNG consumption will be constantly growing up. At the same time, the regions of gas production in the Russian Federation are shifting to the north, the share of commercial fields in the Arctic is constantly growing. In general, the Arctic region is potentially the main region of hydrocarbon production in Russia, therefore, the task of selecting rational design of LNG isothermal tanks with a high level of reliability in a harsh climate is especially topical.
Practice of construction of large-sized LNG isothermal tanks in the Russian Federation shows that in the presence of various design solutions of LNG isothermal tanks (single-wall, double-wall with different degree air tightness, membrane), at present, the most capital-intensive design of LNG double-wall isothermal tank of the closed type is selected. At the same time, in the world practice, even in the southern latitudes, less expensive but sufficiently reliable designs of LNG isothermal tanks are actively used. In connection with this, the algorithm is proposed for selecting the rational design of LNG isothermal tanks for specific operating conditions taking into account the applied structural materials and various types of thermal insulation, in this case, the score-factor estimate of heat-insulating materials was made, and the model calculation of the thermal regime of LNG isothermal tanks operation was performed. The tank for liquefied natural gas is selected based on the estimate of the probability of structure failure-free operation, as well as the solution of the problem of two-criteria Pareto optimization
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