Use of Jet Pumps and Means of Protection against Sand Ingress when Pumping Product Uranium Solutions

B.А. Myrzahmetov, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., L.A. Krupnik, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof. B.S. Beysenov, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Associate Professor S.M. Toktamisova, Magister Kazakh National Research Technical University Named After K.I. Sapaev, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan


Analysis is given related to the problems that occur in the technology of uranium production by the method of underground borehole leaching, in particular, with downhole pumping equipment at pumping product solutions.
It is established that one of the unfavorable factors of operation of downhole pumping equipment in the uranium and oil deposits is the high content of mechanical impurities in the product solution. Intensive removal of mechanical impurities with the production of the well causes premature wear of the moving elements of the pump and the decrease in their service life. This results in the need for unscheduled underground well repairs with significant financial costs associated with wells shutdown, drawing away own or involved material and human resources.
The experience of using jet pumps in the oil industry is analyzed. Their most promising layouts for use in pumping wells for uranium production by the method of underground borehole leaching are considered. The advantages and fundamentally possible options of such installations applications are shown. It has been established that the most perspective direction is the use of tandem pumping units, which include deep electric-centrifugal and jet pumps arranged sequentially into a single pump unit.
To protect the downhole pumping equipment from mechanical impurities and to prevent sand plugs, it is recommended to use sand valves for multiple draining of some part of the liquid with sand from the oil well tubing to the annular space without lifting the pump.


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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2018-7-74-80
Year: 2018
Issue num: July
Keywords : jet pump injector nozzle diffuser borehole oil production uranium production tandem pump mechanical impurities sand sand valve