The Results of Implementing the Computer Program for Quantitative Assessment of Well-Fluid Release in Case of Accidents in the Field Gathering System

T.I. Kologreyeva, Chief Specialist of Department A.R. Morozova, Lead Engineer of Department A.V. Grishagin, Chief Process Engineer of Division, SamaraNIPIneft LLC, Samara, Russia


The results of the development and implementation of the national computer program in the field of quantitative assessment of well-fluid release (through rupture, hole) of oil wells considering gas content and water cut at accidents simulation in the field gathering system. It is noted that the use of the foreign made software products is characterized by the user dependence on their producers and owners. The objects of the commercial oil and gas gathering system are related to hazardous production facilities, therefore, in order to make quantitative assessment of the release of oil, gas and water spilled from the pipeline in case of accident, it is required to use the methods that take into account phase relationship of the multiphase mixture. To calculate the release of the multicomponent flows of produced fluids transported through the pipelines, the methods described in RD 39-069—91 «Estimation of damage from failures of oil field gathering pipelines» was previously used. In order for recordkeeping of the effect of gas occupying the volume in the pipeline under thermobaric conditions of the transport of multiphase petroleum mixture, this method introduced the true gas content coefficient, but the formula for its determination is not given. For this reason, the authors added to the program, which is considered in the article, the possibility of calculating this coefficient on the basis of the available initial data and standardly determined characteristics. By now, with the help of this program, more than 500 assessments of accidents consequences have been performed at various sites of equipped ground facilities for the fields of Samara Region.


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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2018-4-11-16
Year: 2018
Issue num: April
Keywords : computer program accident risk assessment rupture hole oil and gas field gathering system multiphase mixture gas content recordkeeping