A.I. Fomin, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Leading Researcher, e.volodina@nc-vostnii.ru V.G. Igishev, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof. AO NTs VostNII, Kemerovo, Russia Yu.А. Fadeev, Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Prof. I.M. Anisimov, Post-degree Student, ilja_anisimov@rambler.ru FGBOU VO «Kuzbass State Technical University Named after T.F. Gorbachev», Kemerovo, Russia
The article shows the materials of the problems study related to the development of production-conditioned and occupational diseases among the coal industry employees caused by the factors of the production environment and the labor process. It is identified that the high morbidity of the employees in the coal industry continues to be caused by the influence of harmful production factors at the miners workplaces. The main harmful production factors that occur when the employees of the leading occupations perform the technological operations at the open-pit coal mining, which have the harmful effect on the health and life of miners, are given in the article. Occupational diseases lead to an increase in the deficit of the human resources, worsen the economic potential of industry and the country. Ensuring preservation of life and health of the employees in the process of labor activity, increasing the life expectancy of the population of the country are the social tasks of the state.
For detailed analysis of this problem the materials of the occupational diseases investigation for 2015 and 2016 were studied across Kemerovo region, which occurred among the employees whose labor activity is related to the development of coal deposits by the open method. More than 100 cases of occupational diseases were studied with the help of the record maps.
Based on the conducted studies the key regularities of the occupational diseases formation for the employees involved in the development of open-pit coal deposits were identified.
The graphs of frequency distribution of cases of the occupational diseases formation are presented depending on the age and the time of employees stay in contact with harmful production factors at the workplace. The methods for analyzing the complex contour are used. The percentage of occupational diseases formed before and after retirement is identified.
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