On the Application of Self-Contained Self-Rescuers

V.A. Kaptsov, Dr. Sci. (Med.), Prof. Head of the Department FGUP VNIIZHG, Moscow, Russia A.V. Chirkin, Office, alexandr.chir@yandex.ru OOO «Beta-pro», Moscow, Russia


Abstract    Self-contained self-rescuers are widely used to evacuate personnel in case of accidents related to possible lack of oxygen. However, their selection and organization of use are not regulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, and training of labor protection specialists, taking into account these specific features of using personal respiratory protective equipment, is not carried out. Requirements of Technical regulations of the Customs Union «On safety of personal protective equipment» do not provide for quality control after certification, which is not always carried out with sufficient responsibility. Issuance of even certified self-rescuers to employees can not compensate for errors at their initial selection (including identification of actual time of the protective action in conditions different from certification ones). Comparison of requirements for self-rescuers at certification in the Russian Federation and in the USA was made, the problems at their selection and application are considered. Differences have been identified, accounting for which can improve protection of the employees using self-rescuers.
Wide use by self-rescuers of self-contained breathing apparatus with the closed circuit (in which the exhaled air is purified from carbon dioxide, enriched with oxygen and re-inhaled) is explained by the long protective action time at relatively small mass. However, the design of these personal respiratory protective means does not always ensure maintenance of excessive pressure in the mask during inhalation, which increases the risk of excessive exposure to air pollution on the employees. Use of similar means of individual protection of the respiratory system by firefighters showed that some people are insufficiently protected, which can lead to both acute poisoning and increases the risk of developing chronic occupational diseases.
Possible ways of solving the identified problems, taking into account native and foreign experience and developments, are suggested in the article.


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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2018-3-46-50
Year: 2018
Issue num: March
Keywords : certification respirator self-rescuer self-contained breathing apparatus
  • Kaptsov V.A.
    Dr. Sci. (Med.), Prof., RAS Corresponding Member, Head of the Department All-Russian Research Institute of Transport Hygiene of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, Moscow, Russia
  • Chirkin A.V.
    Worker, alexandr.chir@yandex.ru LLC «Beta PRO», Moscow, Russia