Specifics of Network Structures Damage and the Development of Emergency Situations at the Pipeline Transport Facilities

I.A. Tararychkin, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., donbass_8888@mail.ru Lugansk National University named after V. Dal, Lugansk, Ukraine S.P. Blinov, Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Assoc. Prof. Udmurt State University, Izhevsk, Russia


Specifics of the development of emergency situations at the pipeline transport facilities related to various scenarios of network structures damage are considered in the article. If the damage to individual pipelines of the system occurs in a random order, then this process is called progressive damage to linear elements. In case if blocking of individual nodes occurs in a random sequence, this process of system damage is called progressive blocking. It is shown that the characteristic of the process of nodes progressive blocking is the resistance index, which is the average fraction of the transport system nodes, the blocking of which results in complete disconnection from the source of all consumers of the base product. The program was developed for simulating the process of progressive blocking of pipeline system transport nodes. The result of simulation modeling is the final matrix, the lines of which characterize the existence of links between the source and the consumers of the base product at different moments of the system time. Using the computer simulation method, the comparative analysis of the dynamics of the system damage processes was made in accordance with various scenarios. It is shown that the damage to pipeline transport systems by the mechanism of progressive blocking of nodes is much more dangerous case of emergency situation development in comparison with the progressive damage of linear elements. It is noted that the degradation of the system properties with the development of the process of progressive blocking of nodes occurs faster than with progressive damage of linear elements. When solving design tasks and developing measures to prevent the development of emergency situations, special attention should be paid to protection from damage, primarily of the transport network nodal elements.


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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2018-3-35-39
Year: 2018
Issue num: March
Keywords : modeling structure pipeline system damages accidents resistance criteria