V.N. Verjovkin, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Chief Research Associate E.D. Mikhailova, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Lead Researcher A.V. Tomilin, Senior Research Assistant FGBU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia, Balashikha, Russia A.G. Markov, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Senior Lector, markov01@ya.ru Academy of GPS EMERCOM of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Based on the review of the international standards and technical reports in the field of protection against static electricity, it was concluded that the meanings of terms are ambiguous: electrostatics, electrostatic phenomena, physical bases, applied problems, measurement methods. This could be avoided by the development and implementation of the special IEC/TS 101 standard on terminology. The main sources of electrostatic effects, as well as the conditions for occurrence of damages to devices sensitive to electrostatic effects are considered. Conducted analysis of the properties and parameters of the Human Body Model revealed the discrepancy: impossibility of modeling the finger with a metal electrode. Therefore, this model cannot be used to simulate discharges from the person in the explosive environment. It is noted that in the international standards, insufficient attention is paid to the processes of generating energy of the electrostatic field, to the combination of micro and macro separation of positive and negative electric charges, to the role of air in the electrostatic phenomena. In this or that situation it is difficult to foresee the polarity and the magnitude of the manifested charges. In the natural and technological processes, the charge of the electrified mass is determined by the regularities of the microdistribution of charges (triboelectric series, etc.), local variability of the charge of surfaces that limit the electrified mass, by the regularities of mechanical energy conversion into the energy of electrostatic field. Important data on air properties were obtained by studying the conditions of corona of the wire in the insulation. If start gradually increasing the voltage on the wire with radius R, then the field density at its surface will be growing. There comes a state in which the corona discharge emerges in the near-surface layer of air. In order to ensure electrostatic intrinsic safety, it is important to measure the electrification current density in the equipment. In this case, it is required to consider the electrical strength properties of the circulating medium and materials which are limiting it.
1. IEC TR 61340-1:2012. Electrostatics — Part 1: Electrostatic phenomena — Principles and measurements. Available at: https://webstore.iec.ch/publication/5324 (accessed: January 25, 2018).
2. EC TS 60079-32-1:2013. Explosive atmospheres — Part 32-1: Electrostatic hazards, guidance. Available at: https://webstore.iec.ch/publication/651 (accessed: January 25, 2018).
3. IEC 60079-32-2:2015. Explosive atmospheres — Part 32-2: Electrostatics hazards — Tests. Available at: https://webstore.iec.ch/publication/21883 (accessed: January 25, 2018).
4. IEC/TR 61340-1 (2012). Electrostatics. Part 1. Electrostatic phenomena — Principles and measurements. Available at: http://en.gostinfo.ru/catalog/Details/?id=4689650 (accessed: January 25, 2018). (In Russ.).
5. IEC/TS 60079-32-1 (2013). Explosive atmospheres. Part 32-1. Electrostatic hazards, guidance. Available at: http://en.gostinfo.ru/catalog/Details/?id=5312549 (accessed: January 25, 2018). (In Russ.).
6. IEC 60079-32-2 (2015). Explosive environment. Part 32-2. Electrostatics. Hazardous manifestations. Test methods. Available at: http://www.gostinfo.ru/catalog/Details/?id=5617425 (accessed: January 25, 2018). (In Russ.).
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8. GOST 31610.32-1—2015/IEC/TS 60079-32-1: 2013. Explosive environments. Reel 32-1. Electrostatics. Hazardous manifestations. Guide. Available at: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/1200135553 (accessed: January 25, 2018). (In Russ.).
9. GOST 31610.32-2—2016/IEC 60079-32-2: 2015. Explosive environment. Part 32-2. Electrostatics. Hazardous manifestations. Test methods. Available at: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/1200146766 (accessed: January 25, 2018). (In Russ.).
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11. Verjovkin V.N., Markov A.G. Technical regulation of protection against static electricity. Status and prospects. Materialy XXVI Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. «Aktualnye problemy pozharnoj bezopasnosti» (Materials of the XXVI International Scientific and Practical Conference «Actual Problems of Fire Safety»). Moscow: VNIIPO MChS Rossii, 2014. pp. 276–280. (In Russ.).
12. Verjovkin V.N., Markov A.G. Electrical strength of dielectrics and limiting parameters of electrification processes. Pozharovzryvobezopasnost = Fire and Explosion Safety. 2014. Vol. 23. № 7. pp. 46–51. (In Russ.).
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14. Verjovkin V.N., Markov A.G. Protection against static electricity of polymeric double-walled horizontal tanks with the volume of 50 m3 for underground storage of light oil products. Bezopasnost truda v promyshlennosti = Occupational Safety in Industry. 2016. № 3. pp. 40–43. (In Russ.).
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22. Verjovkin V.N., Smelkov G.I., Cherkasov V.N. Electrostatic intrinsic safety and lightning protection. Moscow: MIJeJe, 2006. 170 p. (In Russ.).