F.S. Konstantinova, Chief Specialist V.A. Slutsky, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Dir., proekt@plastpolymer.su AO «NPO» Plastpolymer», Saint-Petersburg, Russia S.G. Gabrielyan, Cand. Sci. (Eng.) FGBU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia, Balashikha, Russia
The article is devoted to the application of organoaluminum compounds and organic peroxides in the synthesis of polyolefins and synthetic rubbers, in various catalytic polymerization systems. They posess higher explosion and fire hazard, which is characterized by the following: ability to spontaneous ignition in the open air (pyrophoricity), explosive interaction with water, carbon dioxide and chladones that makes it impossible to use them as conventional extinguishing agents.
To ensure safety during storage and use of organoaluminum compounds, it is required to: eliminate contacts with air and moisture during all the operations, including sampling; ensure tightness of equipment and pipelines. Equipment for catalysts production shall be placed in the special insulated cabins equipped with blast relief panels. In this case, it is required to provide for measures against spills and spreading of products; eliminate the use of water and steam heating; provide for special means and methods of fire extinguishing.
Specific requirements during peroxides storage, transportation and delivery to production: temperature maintenance, cooling, determination of safe distances, limitation of mass peroxides to be stored and transported.
In this article the need is substantiated concerning the development of the methodological recommendations for ensuring safety of production of the organoaluminum componds and organic peroxide warehouses. Substantiation was made based on many years of experience in designing plants using catalysts containing the above compounds. As the basic data the specialized organizations recommendations were used on properties, methods of production and application. General rules for handling and fire extinguishing of these products, as well as the foreign companies experience were also applied.
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