Reduction of Accident Rate at the Pipeline Transport Facilities by Implementing Up-to-date Methods of In-line Inspection

Yu.R. Abdrakhimov, Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Head of the Department Z.A. Zakirova, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assoc. Prof. A.A. Bashenova, Student, FSBEI HE Ufa State Petroleum Technical University, Ufa, Russia


It is established that compressor stations of the main gas pipelines operate under conditions of increased load. As a result, there is a need to find means and implement the methods of maintaining high level of their reliability for ensuring trouble-free operation of pipeline gas transport. The causes of accidents at the main gas pipelines compressor stations and the methods for eliminating their occurrence are considered. The main source of damage and defects leading to accidents at compressor stations is indicated, namely, stress corrosion cracking.
The main task of diagnostics of compressor stations process pipelines is at least to stop the growth in the number of defects that have emerged due to stress corrosion cracking. At present, the reliability and safety of the operation of compressor stations pipelines and linear parts of the main gas pipelines are ensured through the diagnostics and timely detection of already formed defects caused by stress corrosion cracking. In this case, the only control means that allow to solve this problem without opening the pipe and removing the insulation is smart pigging using in-line robotic flaw detectors.
Analysis of existing robotic flaw detectors with indication of advantages and disadvantages of specific models was carried out. It was concluded that it would be required to use this equipment to detect corrosion defects in pipes in order to ensure industrial safety and operational reliability of compressor stations and the main pipelines.


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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2018-2-43-46
Year: 2018
Issue num: February
Keywords : accident diagnostics gas pipeline compressor stations stress corrosion cracking corrosion defect robotic flaw detector