Some Problems of Practical Implementation of Technical Regulation Requirements for Equipment Operating under Excessive Pressure, and Industrial Safety Requirements for its Operation


A number of problems emerged at the stage of practical implementation of technical regulation requirements for equipment operating under excessive pressure and industrial safety requirements for hazardous production facilities, on which this equipment operates, is considered in the article. The problems identified at the interface of the requirements of technical regulation and industrial safety requirements are conditioned by the following circumstances.
In connection with the lack of technical regulation requirements to the form of equipment passports, in some cases the operating organization does not have the possibility of making entries in its passport stipulated by the requirements of industrial safety. The issues of restoration (obtaining the duplicate) of the passport of the equipment being used and put into practice have not been settled. In practice, some cases were revealed concerning intentional loss of technical documentation for equipment, which led, particularly, in the absence of identifying data, to the legalization of the counterfeit equipment or equipment with violation of the stipulated conditions of use and technical characteristics. Lack of specific requirements for presentation of the inspection results of the equipment readiness for commissioning leads to ambiguous approaches and significant differences in understanding the procedure for meeting the requirements of industrial safety. The absence of unambiguously defined status of a number of normative documents used in the Russian Federation creates unequal competitive conditions for Russian producers in comparison with foreign ones.
The ways for solving the above problems are proposed. In particular, development of the new version of the regulatory-legal act that establishes industrial safety requirements aimed at eliminating identified problems, as well as auditing and updating currently used technical documents in order to develop fundamental design norms and requirements for use of the materials at the stage of design, manufacture and operation of the equipment working under excessive pressure.

V.V. Chernyshev, Deputy Department Head K.N. Kozlov, Department Councilor Rostechnadzor, Moscow, Russia A.F. Gontarenko, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assoc. Prof., Director of Training and Methodical Center, STC «Industrial Safety» CJSC, Moscow, Russia


A number of problems emerged at the stage of practical implementation of technical regulation requirements for equipment operating under excessive pressure and industrial safety requirements for hazardous production facilities, on which this equipment operates, is considered in the article. The problems identified at the interface of the requirements of technical regulation and industrial safety requirements are conditioned by the following circumstances.
In connection with the lack of technical regulation requirements to the form of equipment passports, in some cases the operating organization does not have the possibility of making entries in its passport stipulated by the requirements of industrial safety. The issues of restoration (obtaining the duplicate) of the passport of the equipment being used and put into practice have not been settled. In practice, some cases were revealed concerning intentional loss of technical documentation for equipment, which led, particularly, in the absence of identifying data, to the legalization of the counterfeit equipment or equipment with violation of the stipulated conditions of use and technical characteristics. Lack of specific requirements for presentation of the inspection results of the equipment readiness for commissioning leads to ambiguous approaches and significant differences in understanding the procedure for meeting the requirements of industrial safety. The absence of unambiguously defined status of a number of normative documents used in the Russian Federation creates unequal competitive conditions for Russian producers in comparison with foreign ones.
The ways for solving the above problems are proposed. In particular, development of the new version of the regulatory-legal act that establishes industrial safety requirements aimed at eliminating identified problems, as well as auditing and updating currently used technical documents in order to develop fundamental design norms and requirements for use of the materials at the stage of design, manufacture and operation of the equipment working under excessive pressure.


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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2018-2-24-28
Year: 2018
Issue num: February
Keywords : industrial safety equipment excessive pressure technical regulation technical documentation passport duplicate commissioning structural materials