A.A. Gurin, Dr. Sci (Eng.), Prof., Head of the Department State institution of higher education «Kryvyi Rih National University», Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine V.I. Lyashenko, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Department Head, vilyashenko2017@gmail.com GP «UkrNIPIIpromtekhnologii», Zheltuye Vody, Ukraine
The main scientific and practical results of improvement of the methods of assessment of effect of mass emissions in pits on the environment taking into account harmful gases and dust, the parameters air waves and scattering of rock pieces are presented in the article. One of the possible ways of this task solution — application of the mathematical modeling allowing to imitate rock particles emission by creation of mathematical model for the subsequent finding of the way of limitation of radius of their effect.
It is proposed to take measurement of the height of gas and dust cloud emission as a basis of the generalized method of assessment of negative effect of mass explosions on the environment. On this parameter it is possible to determine the speed of gas escape from the well, to calculate initial parameters of the blast air wave and to estimate the range of scattering of rock pieces. Formation of a gas and dust cloud is continuously registered from the safe distance by video camera or the high-speed camera equipped with changeable optics. Video footage is processed in the digital format with the use of multimedia computers and specialized computer programs that much more increases the accuracy of the received results.
The considered methods allow to estimate the effect of new types of borehole charges, stems, means of initiation, explosives, etc. on gasdynamic parameters of gas and dust emissions. Besides, there is a possibility of quality control of performing the complex of preparatory operations before blasting of blocks of benches from what the size of gas and dust emissions depends on.
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