G.G. Vasilyev, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Head of the Department I.A. Leonovich, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assistant, srgnp@gubkin.ru Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russia
The article presents the results of the study of practical approaches to carrying out strength calculations of the main pipelines on all the up-to-date methods that are used both in Russian and foreign practice of design and construction of these facilities. Calculation of the wall thickness of the main pipeline — one of the cornerstones of the entire system of ensuring safety for these facilities, which are related to hazardous production facilities.
In connection with the active implementation of the new approaches to ensuring industrial safety in oil and gas industry in general and in the main pipeline transport, in particular, the differences in calculation methods according to the Russian and foreign norms were analyzed. The factors influencing the numerical values of wall thicknesses, the mechanisms of influence and the significance of these factors are determined.
Comparative analysis of the total thickness values is carried out.
Differences are identified concerning the approaches to determination and establishment of the empirical reliability coefficients in strength calculations. Integral estimates of these coefficients are obtained from the analyzed methods. Despite the fact that the foreign and Russian norms are based on the same theoretical dependencies and models, they differ significantly in the numerical values of the wall thicknesses of the pipelines for the same conditions. This is conditioned by different approach to the formation of empirical reliability coefficients.
The task is to determine the mechanisms for the formation of optimal reliability coefficients, which ensure, on the one hand, the high level of protection of hazardous production facility, and on the other hand —the optimal level of costs.
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