The list of functions of the organization at the operation of hazardous production facilities covers also the objects accounting, and activities planning, and risk assessment at the operation of the objects, and control over safe operation, as well as warning and preventive measures. Each of these enlarged functions implies detail and many actions. Coordinated execution of a large number of actions is possible only when they are regulated. One of the progressive approaches for regulation of the activity is the process approach. The initial criteria for the development of processes on ensuring safe operation of hazardous production facilities are the presence (absence) of risk, the degree of risk, consequences of risk manifestation. ISO 45001:2018(E) includes obligations for the organization on risks identification, risks assessment, risk response and mitigation risks in the field of occupational health and safety. Relevance and possibility of application of the process approach at the development and implementation of the occupational health and safety management system in the organizations and industrial enterprises of various branches based on the code ISO 45001:2018(E) and standard GOST R ISO 31000—2010 are shown. Methodological substantiation of the process approach to the design of occupational health and safety management systems and risk management in the organization is given, the basic issues of its applicability are considered. Graphic models of process maps of the first level of occupational health and safety management systems and risk management, context diagram of the process of development and implementation of risk management system in the graphical notation IDEF0 with the use of structured analysis by SADT technology are developed. Decomposition of the context diagram up to the required levels of detail is presented, and the balance coefficient of the models is calculated.
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