The design of a new type of mine ventilation stopping designed for the configuration of a mine workings driven by Ural-20R combine, which is widely used in the potash mines of the Verkhnekamsk potash-magnesium salt deposit is described in the article. The materials from which the prototype of the mine ventilation stopping was made, in terms of their characteristics, corresponded to the requirements established as a result of mathematical and computer modeling.
The stopping bearing frame made of AD31T1 duralumin alloy is able to withstand temperatures of 470–510 °С. The fire-prevention cloth for the prototype is made of BT-11 basalt fabric, which is used at temperatures from –250 to 650 °С. Methodology was developed for testing a mine ventilation stopping in the mining section of a potash mine, which simulates a change in the air flow pressure and its speed due to the action of natural draft that occurs during fire in a mine.
The article describes the results of tests of a prototype mine ventilation stopping in the operating mine BKPRU-2 (PAO Uralkali), which confirmed the following theoretical assumptions. The developed mine ventilation stopping allows to reliably isolate the mine working area from the passage of air mass and flue gases, i.e., either isolate the fire source from fresh air entering it, or protect the working area from the penetration of flue gases into it. At the same time, the construction of the shaft ventilation stopping does not require a compressor or other device for pumping air that requires an electric power source, since the air hose will be inflated with a compressed air balloon. These factors will allow the construction of a mine ventilation stopping in a short period of time (not more than 20 min.) by the forces and means of miners before the arrival of paramilitary mine rescue units.
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