Risk Regulation and Management Related to the Operation of Hazardous Production Facilities


The paper examines the types of uncertainties associated with operation of hazardous production facilities caused by the natural variability of the facility parameters and the limited knowledge about complex processes in the system under consideration, as well as the uncertainty of the results of quantitative risk assessment. Qualitative and quantitative criteria of tolerable (acceptable) risk adopted in various countries of the world are presented. The article considers the operation of the ALARP principle in making managerial decisions on the need to implement protective measures aimed at reducing individual risk, which allows to provide a compromise between competing requirements for ensuring safety and economic efficiency in the operation of hazardous production facilities.

In the future of socio-economic development, due to the improvement of existing and the emergence of new safety technologies, the maximum allowable and acceptable levels of risk should be revised in order to meet more stringent safety requirements. Therefore, the value of tolerable individual risk in case of accidents at hazardous production facilities may not be a strictly specified value (as is generally accepted), but may decrease as the reliability of technological systems increases, the efficiency of industrial safety management increases, and the background (average) risk of mortality decreases. A necessary condition for implementing a risk management system is to improve the efficiency of the system for collecting and analyzing data on reliability, accident rate, monitoring and control of technical condition at hazardous production facilities, and further develop the methodological support for risk analysis within the framework of the currently implemented risk-oriented approach in the field of industrial safety.


The paper examines the types of uncertainties associated with operation of hazardous production facilities caused by the natural variability of the facility parameters and the limited knowledge about complex processes in the system under consideration, as well as the uncertainty of the results of quantitative risk assessment. Qualitative and quantitative criteria of tolerable (acceptable) risk adopted in various countries of the world are presented. The article considers the operation of the ALARP principle in making managerial decisions on the need to implement protective measures aimed at reducing individual risk, which allows to provide a compromise between competing requirements for ensuring safety and economic efficiency in the operation of hazardous production facilities.

In the future of socio-economic development, due to the improvement of existing and the emergence of new safety technologies, the maximum allowable and acceptable levels of risk should be revised in order to meet more stringent safety requirements. Therefore, the value of tolerable individual risk in case of accidents at hazardous production facilities may not be a strictly specified value (as is generally accepted), but may decrease as the reliability of technological systems increases, the efficiency of industrial safety management increases, and the background (average) risk of mortality decreases. A necessary condition for implementing a risk management system is to improve the efficiency of the system for collecting and analyzing data on reliability, accident rate, monitoring and control of technical condition at hazardous production facilities, and further develop the methodological support for risk analysis within the framework of the currently implemented risk-oriented approach in the field of industrial safety.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2020-12-85-91
Year: 2020
Issue num: December
Keywords : safety hazardous production facility uncertainty tolerable risk individual risk risk management
  • Makhutov N.A.
    RAS Corresponding Member, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Chief Research Associate, kei51@mail.ru, IMASH RAN, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Reznikov D.O.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Lead Researcher, mibsts@mail.ru IMASH RAN, Moscow, Russia
  • Lisanov M.V.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), the Director of Risk Analysis Center STC «Industrial Safety» CJSC, Moscow, Russia