The electric grid system is the basis for functioning of the Unified electric power system of Russia and technologically isolated electric power systems. One of the most serious problems in the electric power industry is the aging of the fixed assets of already built and operating power grid facilities. The second problem is to clarify the seismic hazard of the territories of the Russian Federation in the direction of its growth. As a result, the number of power grid facilities fall into the zones of increased seismic hazard. In the zone of 7 points or more, approximately 30 % of the entire length of electric networks and transformer capacities are located. Information is provided about the characteristics of seismic load and how the objects respond to an earthquake. The experience of earthquakes testifies to the high vulnerability of the overhead power lines, cable power lines, substations, power transformers, relay protection equipment and automation under intense seismic loads. Information is provided about massive damage to the power grid during earthquakes in the territory of Russia, Armenia, and other countries of the world. Frequently occurring short circuits during earthquakes in electrical networks, at transformer substations, in electrical equipment elements of power grid facilities lead to fires. It is determined that power grid facilities have less seismic resistance than electric power generation facilities, than buildings and structures where electrical equipment is located. The problem of insufficiency of the current regulatory framework for ensuring seismic resistance of electric power facilities was also identified. Possible measures to prevent accident rate and increase the resistance, reliability, and seismic stability of power grid facilities in case of earthquakes are considered. The development of normative regulation will allow to take measures to ensure the seismic stability of power grid facilities in operation, and to ensure that control and supervision activities are carried out at a higher level.
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