The article discusses the main global trends and the foundations of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of digital technologies. As an example of their practical implementation, a description of the purpose and main capabilities of the TOXI+software series developed by the Scientific and Technical Center for Industrial Safety Research CJSC is presented.
TOXI+Risk 5 software package is designed to automate the calculation work and prepare documentation related to assessing the consequences of accidents involving hazardous substances and calculating risk indicators at hazardous production facilities, as well as fire risk. TOXI+Risk 5 is currently based on 26 calculation methods of Rostechnadzor, EMERCOM of Russia, Roshydromet, industry standards of PJSC Gazprom and PAO Transneft and simulate emergency situations associated with dispersion of clouds of hazardous substances, their combustion or explosion, fire spilled liquids, jet fire, BLEVE et al.
TOXI+Water hammer software allows modelling of fluid flow in pipeline systems of various configurations of the linear part, taking into account the difference in elevation of the route, the location and hydraulic characteristics of the elements of the pipeline system, including shutoff valves, pumps, safety valves and other devices, as well as estimation of the mass of emissions of transported substances during depressurization of pipelines.
The TOXI+HAZOP software is designed to automate paperwork during HAZOP sessions.
TOXI+Water hammer software is designed to predict and quickly assess the situation in real time in the event of an accident with the release of toxic and (or) explosive hazardous substances into the environment in order to increase the reasonableness of decisions to minimize the consequences of accidents. TOXI+Water hammer allows to automate the actions of the dispatcher in an emergency: simulate accident scenarios with the dispersion of hazardous substances in the atmosphere when gas detectors are triggered, taking into account the current weather situation, inform the dispatcher and parties concerned about the forecast results (affected areas on the territory plan, and potentially affected locations attended by people).
The article discusses the main global trends and the foundations of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of digital technologies. As an example of their practical implementation, a description of the purpose and main capabilities of the TOXI+software series developed by the Scientific and Technical Center for Industrial Safety Research CJSC is presented.
TOXI+Risk 5 software package is designed to automate the calculation work and prepare documentation related to assessing the consequences of accidents involving hazardous substances and calculating risk indicators at hazardous production facilities, as well as fire risk. TOXI+Risk 5 is currently based on 26 calculation methods of Rostechnadzor, EMERCOM of Russia, Roshydromet, industry standards of PJSC Gazprom and PAO Transneft and simulate emergency situations associated with dispersion of clouds of hazardous substances, their combustion or explosion, fire spilled liquids, jet fire, BLEVE et al.
TOXI+Water hammer software allows modelling of fluid flow in pipeline systems of various configurations of the linear part, taking into account the difference in elevation of the route, the location and hydraulic characteristics of the elements of the pipeline system, including shutoff valves, pumps, safety valves and other devices, as well as estimation of the mass of emissions of transported substances during depressurization of pipelines.
The TOXI+HAZOP software is designed to automate paperwork during HAZOP sessions.
TOXI+Water hammer software is designed to predict and quickly assess the situation in real time in the event of an accident with the release of toxic and (or) explosive hazardous substances into the environment in order to increase the reasonableness of decisions to minimize the consequences of accidents. TOXI+Water hammer allows to automate the actions of the dispatcher in an emergency: simulate accident scenarios with the dispersion of hazardous substances in the atmosphere when gas detectors are triggered, taking into account the current weather situation, inform the dispatcher and parties concerned about the forecast results (affected areas on the territory plan, and potentially affected locations attended by people).
- The Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly. Available at: (accessed: February 28, 2020). (In Russ.).
- TOXI+Risk software package 5. TOXI+ Industrial safety software. Available at: (accessed: February 27, 2020). (In Russ.).
- Agapov A.A., Lazukina I.O., Marukhlenko A.L., Marukhlenko S.L., Sofin A.S. Use of Software Complex TOXI+Risk for Fire Risk Assessment. Bezopasnost truda v promyshlennosti = Occupational Safety in Industry. 2010. № 1. pp. 46–52. (In Russ.).
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- TOXI+Forecast Software. TOXI+ Industrial safety software. Available at: (accessed: February 27, 2020). (In Russ.).
- Certificate of conformity of TOXI+Risk 5 № RA.RU. AB86.N01149. TOXI+ Industrial safety software. Available at: (accessed: February 27, 2020). (In Russ.).
- Certificate of conformity of TOXI+Water hammer № RA.RU.АБ86.Н01080. TOXI+ Industrial safety software. Available at: (accessed: February 27, 2020). (In Russ.).
- On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities: Federal Law of July 21, 1997 № 116-FZ. Moscow: ZAO NTTs PB, 2017. 52 p. (In Russ.).
- General rules of explosion safety for fire and explosion hazardous chemical, petrochemical and oil processing plants: Federal norms and regulations in the field of industrial safety. 3-e izd., ispr. i dop. Ser. 09. Iss. 37. Moscow: ZAO NTTs PB, 2018. 130 p. (In Russ.).
- The safety rules for ammonia refrigerating units and systems: Federal norms and regulations in the field of industrial safety. Ser. 09. Iss. 49. Moscow: ZAO NTTs PB, 2019. 90 p. (In Russ.).
- The safety rules for chlorine and chlorine-containing media productions: Federal norms and regulations in the field of industrial safety. Ser. 09. Iss. 39. Moscow: ZAO NTTs PB, 2019. 118 p. (In Russ.).
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- The safety rules for chemically hazardous production facilities: Federal norms and regulations in the field of iIndustrial safety. Ser. 09. Iss. 40. Moscow: ZAO NTTs PB, 2020. 76 p. (In Russ.).
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- Certificate of conformity of TOXI+Forecast RA.RU.АБ86.Н01162. TOXI+ Industrial safety software. Available at: (accessed: February 27, 2020). (In Russ.).