The Kirov Branch of «Apatit» Public JSC is located on the territory of the Murmansk region. The total risk of traumatism for the employees of the branch and its mines includes the risks specifying the traumatism of the main worker occupations.
The procedure to select the targeted measures in order to reduce the occupational traumatism is to be implemented via the following stages. The first stage includes implementation of correlation analysis of occupational traumatism risks for the most hazardous occupations depending on operational time of the Kirov Branch and its mines. The second stage includes calculation of changes of traumatism risk rate which is the parameter defining the risk dynamics during operation of the Kirov Branch and its departments. The third stage includes calculation of relative values of traumatism risk and the rate of its change. In order to do that, the traumatism risk and the rates of its change for the each year of company’s operation are compared with the average indices of these parameters for a given period. The fourth stage includes drawing up the «basic» diagram in coordinates: the relative risk value — the reverse value of the relative value of risk rate change. The fifth stage includes estimation of the current state of occupational traumatism for the each of occupations considered. In order to do that, the traumatism risk and the rate of its change are calculated for the each quarter of current year and then are reduced to dimensionless values by dividing into the average risk values and the rate of its change for the complete operational period of the Kirov Branch.
Comparing the traumatism indices with the data of «basic» diagrams detects the occupation for which the state of traumatism is estimated as «unsatisfactory» or «dangerous».
The measures to reduce the traumatism are implemented primarily for these occupations.
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