Unauthorized Activation of Shock-wave Tubes of Non-electrical Initiation Systems


The article presents the results of experimental studies of non-electric initiation systems «Iskra», «Korshun-M», Exel and Rionel. The studies were aimed at determining the percentage of components of the reaction mixture of shock-wave tubes of various manufacturers, the sensitivity of these tubes to electrostatic discharge in the pilot breakdown plant, and the electrical potential that occurs during dynamic stretching of the shock-wave tubes. It is shown that unauthorized activation of the shock-wave tubes of non-electric initiation systems is possible with a simultaneous combination of mechanical (stretching with breakage of the shock-wave tubes), and the effects of electrical (static electricity discharge). In this case the shock-wave tubes of non-electric initiation system Exel contain considerably more aluminum than the shock-wave tubes of non-electrical initiating system devices «spark», Rionel and «Hawk-M». The resistance of shock-wave tubes from various manufacturers to electrostatic discharge depends on at least two parameters: the content of aluminum in the reaction mixture and the mechanical impact on them. The shock-wave tubes of non — electric initiation system Exel have the highest sensitivity to electrostatic discharge, and the shock-wave tubes «Korshun-M» have the lowest sensitivity. The minimum energy required for actuating the shock-wave tubes of the non-electric initiation system Exel on the experimental breakdown of the unit was 64 mJ, for the actuation of «Korshun-M» shock-wave tube 160 mJ is required. Dynamic stretching of shock-wave tubes (with or without rupture) leads to the formation of an electric pulse, while the forced electrification of the shock-wave tube surface reduces both the amplitude and the duration of the pulse. An exception is the shock-wave tubes of «Korshun-M» non-electric initiation system, in which the opposite picture is observed. It is proposed to prevent entanglement, pulling and rupture of the shock-wave tubes when handling non-electric initiation system.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2020-8-79-85
Year: 2020
Issue num: August
Keywords : electrostatic discharge spark discharge non-electric initiation system shock-wave tube Snap Slap & Shoot effect reaction mixture