Use of teaching technologies in the pedagogical practice is governed by the field of professional activity of the future specialists, functional responsibilities, the content of regulatory requirements for industrial facilities and the level of employee qualification. When training specialists in the operation of hazardous production facilities, it is advisable to develop a professional structure that describes the universal competencies (professiogram). Design of the content of education, methods and means of its implementation should be based on the developed specialist professiogram as a system-forming vector of professional education. The key competencies of a specialist in the operation of hazardous production facilities can be supplemented by variative modules — both in the professiogram and in the content of education, depending on changes in the requirements for hazardous production facilities in which the specialist will be involved. Confirmation of the efficiency of technology for specialist training in the operation of hazardous production facilities, its universalism and frequency at different levels of education (higher, additional) can serve the results of experimental-pilot testing. It should use the methods and means having a high level of verification and validation of the proposed training technology.
To assess the formedness of service and operational competence of a specialist on safe operation of hazardous production facilities, the relevant criteria were developed. Among the types of control were the acceptance, progress and final controls with the use of the following methods: testing, colloquium and essay. The results were assessed using the point method. In order to confirm the hypothesis of more efficient training the student criterion was used at the experimental group in future to study the average parameters.
The analysis of the obtained sample average values for all the periods of training showed that training with the use of new pedagogical technology led to an increase in the quality of specialist training and the formation of his competence at a higher level.
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