New Opportunities for Developing Occupational Safety Culture Based on TWI Training Methodology


The key reason for most injuries, accidents, and other incidents is the lack of employees training on how to safely perform production operations at the basic stage of profession mastering. This is confirmed by statistical data: half (sometimes more) of the total number of injured employees on average in an enterprise is for the employees with less than one year of experience.

To eliminate this problem and reduce industrial injuries associated with deficiencies in the professional training of the employees, it is proposed to use the well-known training methodology «TWI (Training Within Industry) — production training». The main principle of TWI methodology: if the employee has not learned, then the instructor failed to teach him.

Compared to the traditional approach, TWI training technology shows inadequacy of transferring knowledge to the employee about what needs to be done. TWI expands the amount of knowledge transferred to the employee during training by explaining how to do it right and why.

The results of testing TWI methodology in two pilot projects showed the efficiency of its application for increasing the level of safety at the workplaces and developing a safety culture for the enterprise employees as a whole. Standardization of the description of work procedures to a step-by-step level ensures an increase in the safety level of these procedures by identifying and eliminating technological risks of injuries in the process of work description. The developed standard step-by-step working procedures are aimed at the development of the employee skills for solving 60–80 % of standard tasks in this position, which is sufficient for the specialist level and allows to ensure satisfaction of the enterprise internal needs in the qualified personnel. Training does not require additional time costs, since it fits into the time frame allocated for the employee practical training.

The results of the introduction of TWI methodology ensure the formation in the company of its own centers of professional competencies (groups of trainers, a library of standards for describing working procedures, training technology), which allow on an ongoing basis to ensure the development of professional competencies of all new or inexperienced employees to the required level.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2020-7-60-66
Year: 2020
Issue num: July
Keywords : sonal system of conscious labor safety occupational safety culture industrial training TWI methodology incident pyramid hazardous conditions learning pyramid
  • Mazhkenov S.A.
    Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Deputy General Director, «Safety Technologies» ltd, Vladimir, Russia