Analysis was performed with regard to the normative-legal and methodological approaches to determination of safe distances from hazardous production facilities of the main pipelines, including for cases of construction in the vicinity of the main pipelines with the violation of the regulatory requirements. Experience was analyzed concerning the normative regulation of the main pipeline location in the UK, based on the methodology of quantitative risk assessment. Using regulatory methods of Rostechnadzor and the EMERCOM of Russia, the calculations were carried out with regard to the effect of the main pipelines process parameters and other factors on the accident risk indices for typical main pipelines of oil, gas and liquefied petroleum gas. It is shown that the most significant factors effecting the minimum distances on criterion of people exposure are: pipeline diameter (identifies the mass of hazardous substance discharge and its share in the accident); properties of hazardous substances; value of the permissible individual risk of people fatalities; operating pressure; meteorological conditions that identify the rate of hazardous substances evaporation and the range of cloud drift and explosion of fuel-air mixtures.
Experience was generalized concerning the development of Project Specific Technical Specifications and Safety Cases related to the deviations from the minimum distances established in SP 36.13330.2012. The analysis of the presented results shows that the use of the modern methods of ensuring safety of the main pipelines allows to substantiate the significant decrease of the minimum distances compared to the regulatory values.
It was proposed to introduce changes in SP 36.13330.2012, which will be ensuring the reduction by 40–60 % of the minimum distances tabulated values from the axis of the liquefied petroleum gas main pipelines to the settlements.
I.A. Zaikin, Department Head Yu.V. Aleshin, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Division Head PAO «LUKOYL», Moscow, Russia M.V. Lisanov, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), the Director of Risk Analysis Center, A.A. Agapov, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Director of the Computational Analysis Center A.S. Sofyin, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Department Head STC «Industrial Safety» CJSC, Moscow, Russia S.I. Sumskoy, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Senior Lecturer NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia
Analysis was performed with regard to the normative-legal and methodological approaches to determination of safe distances from hazardous production facilities of the main pipelines, including for cases of construction in the vicinity of the main pipelines with the violation of the regulatory requirements. Experience was analyzed concerning the normative regulation of the main pipeline location in the UK, based on the methodology of quantitative risk assessment. Using regulatory methods of Rostechnadzor and the EMERCOM of Russia, the calculations were carried out with regard to the effect of the main pipelines process parameters and other factors on the accident risk indices for typical main pipelines of oil, gas and liquefied petroleum gas. It is shown that the most significant factors effecting the minimum distances on criterion of people exposure are: pipeline diameter (identifies the mass of hazardous substance discharge and its share in the accident); properties of hazardous substances; value of the permissible individual risk of people fatalities; operating pressure; meteorological conditions that identify the rate of hazardous substances evaporation and the range of cloud drift and explosion of fuel-air mixtures.
Experience was generalized concerning the development of Project Specific Technical Specifications and Safety Cases related to the deviations from the minimum distances established in SP 36.13330.2012. The analysis of the presented results shows that the use of the modern methods of ensuring safety of the main pipelines allows to substantiate the significant decrease of the minimum distances compared to the regulatory values.
It was proposed to introduce changes in SP 36.13330.2012, which will be ensuring the reduction by 40–60 % of the minimum distances tabulated values from the axis of the liquefied petroleum gas main pipelines to the settlements.
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