A.M. Mansurova, Lead Egineer, A_Mansurova@gwise.vniigaz.gazprom.ru Yu.G. Mutovin, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Deputy Laboratory Head OOO «Gazprom VNIIGAZ», Moscow, Russia
At present, the liquefied natural gas industry is the leader in the rates of growth among other branches of the world fuel and energy complex. The government of the Russian Federation has also set and highlighted as a priority task the development of the native technology for liquefaction of the natural gas and creation on its basis of the liquefied natural gas large-scale complexes for various purposes. The process of the formation of the world gas market is currently directly related to the production of the liquefied natural gas, since its supplier is practically not limited to geographical factors, as with the use of the pipeline transport, and the capacity of this segment of the world gas market is growing faster than the pipeline one.
In the industrial and technological chain of the liquefied natural gas production and handling, the following main links are emphasized: natural gas development, production, transportation and regasification of the liquefied natural gas. The most important technologies in this chain are natural gas liquefaction, on which basis the lines and plants for the production of the liquefied natural gas are built. Moreover, such plants are the most complicated and capital-intensive objects in the industrial chain. They take a special place in the technical and economic indicators of the development of the liquefied natural gas industry — the specific share of the production link here amounts to 50 % of the total investment volume.
The Federal Law of July 21, 1997 № 116-FZ «On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities» refers technological structures of the plants producing liquefied natural gas to the hazardous production facilities. Therefore, the further development of technologies for the production of liquefied natural gas in Russia actualizes the role and importance of safe operation of these objects. The purpose of the article is to review the required systems of control and monitoring of the technological processes for production and storage of the liquefied natural gas ensuring safe operation of the liquefied natural gas plants.
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