Scientific Support of the State Policy Fundamentals in the Field of Industrial Safety



Complex of measures of the legal, economic, scientific, technical, regulatory and supervisory nature for design, construction and operation of hazardous production facilities is envisaged by the fundamentals of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of industrial safety for the period up to 2025 and further perspective. An important role among them plays the problems of the scientific support and scientific assurance for the formation and implementation of the state policy. Step-by-step analysis of the development of methods and systems for ensuring industrial safety shows that the improvement of industrial safety requirements is currently insufficient for eliminating industrial accidents and disasters. Officially adopted scientific and procedural framework, developed and widely used in our country and abroad, is based on extensive statistical material about the occurrence of operational failures, events, incidents, accidents at hazardous production facilities. Its ultimate goals are the quantitative risk analysis and building of risk matrices with their categorization on the level of possibility (probability) of hazardous conditions occurrence and the severity level of their consequences. Scientific substantiation of industrial safety on the interrelated kinetic quantitative damage criteria at all the stages of the life cycle of a hazardous production facility is very topical at the present time. These damages related to the design, technological and operational factors can serve as a scientific basis for the assessing the current state of hazardous production facilities, assigning the methods, means, frequency of control, supervision and monitoring, as well as carrying out repair-and-renewal operations and determining the period of safe operation of technical devices used at hazardous production facilities. With this approach, not only the requirements already implemented in Rostechnadzor system will be used, but also the results of recent achievements in the fundamental theories of disasters, safety and risks in academic, industry and educational institutes and scientific centers.

A.L. Rybas, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), State Secretary, Deputy of Rostechnadzor Head Rostechnadzor, Moscow, Russia N.A. Makhutov, RAS Corresponding Member, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Chief Research Associate, M.M. Gadenin, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Lead Researcher IMASH RAN, Moscow, Russia A.S. Pecherkin, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., First Dep. General Dir. STC «Industrial Safety» CJSC, Moscow, Russia V.A. Nadein, General Director OOO «NGB-Energodiagnostika», Moscow, Russia


Complex of measures of the legal, economic, scientific, technical, regulatory and supervisory nature for design, construction and operation of hazardous production facilities is envisaged by the fundamentals of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of industrial safety for the period up to 2025 and further perspective. An important role among them plays the problems of the scientific support and scientific assurance for the formation and implementation of the state policy. Step-by-step analysis of the development of methods and systems for ensuring industrial safety shows that the improvement of industrial safety requirements is currently insufficient for eliminating industrial accidents and disasters. Officially adopted scientific and procedural framework, developed and widely used in our country and abroad, is based on extensive statistical material about the occurrence of operational failures, events, incidents, accidents at hazardous production facilities. Its ultimate goals are the quantitative risk analysis and building of risk matrices with their categorization on the level of possibility (probability) of hazardous conditions occurrence and the severity level of their consequences. Scientific substantiation of industrial safety on the interrelated kinetic quantitative damage criteria at all the stages of the life cycle of a hazardous production facility is very topical at the present time. These damages related to the design, technological and operational factors can serve as a scientific basis for the assessing the current state of hazardous production facilities, assigning the methods, means, frequency of control, supervision and monitoring, as well as carrying out repair-and-renewal operations and determining the period of safe operation of technical devices used at hazardous production facilities. With this approach, not only the requirements already implemented in Rostechnadzor system will be used, but also the results of recent achievements in the fundamental theories of disasters, safety and risks in academic, industry and educational institutes and scientific centers.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2018-11-7-14
Year: 2018
Issue num: November
Keywords : safety industrial safety requirements hazardous production facility control supervision diagnostics accident risk state policy scientific substantiation