Ensuring Stability of the Isothermal Tanks when Changing the Loads on the Body during Operation

S.G. Ivantsova, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., sivants11@gmail.com Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University), Moscow, Russia A.I. Rakhmanin, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Chief Expert of the Department AO «Stroytransneftegaz», Moscow, Russia


Based on the analysis and assessment of changes of the operational loads, the recommendations are given on the calculation of stability of the main bearing elements of the isothermal storage tanks for liquefied natural gas. The issue related to the value change of the lateral pressure of the loose-fill thermal insulation due to effect of the operating factors such as thermal deformations of the tank shells is considered in the article. The specified methods are proposed concerning the quantitative assessment of heat gain increase, and, accordingly, the evaporation of the product in case of the formation of air-gas voids in the body of the loose-fill isolation. The methods consider the general case of the layer location at the interface, the change of vapor temperature in the tank dome space, and the uneven transformation of the heat flow in the volume of the layer. The statistics is processed concerning the existing cases of lamination and stratification of the product stored in the tank. Based on this information, the loads on the body and the anchor elements are calculated at spontaneous mixing (rollover) of the layers and boiling of the product. According to the results of the calculations, practical recommendations on the selection of the rational design and technology solutions are proposed that ensure service ability of the facility and meet the requirements of the economic appropriateness.


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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2018-10-36-42
Year: 2018
Issue num: October
Keywords : isothermal tanks storage liquefied natural gas rollover thermal insulation lamination