D.A. Besperstov, Candidate FGBOU VPO Kem GU, Kemerovo, Russia A.I. Fomin, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Leading Researcher, main@nc-vostnii.ru V.V. Sobolev, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Deputy Director General A.M. Ermolayev, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Scientific Consultant V.G. Igishev, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Scientific Consultant AO NTs VostNII, Kemerovo, Russia
Prospects of using rescue equipment for people in case of fires are considered. The need and effictiency of using rescue equipment from the height in case of fires at the coal enterprises under modern conditions are substantiated. Rescue equipment is considered as compensatory measure on ensuring safety of people when it is impossible to evacuate them in the standard mode. The need in achieving equal labor relations of the employees of industrial enterprises is substantiated: both those involved in the technological process and those who work in the associated services (human resources, accounting, etc.). The methods of using rescue equipment for people in case of fires is presented, its effect is considered related to the magnitude of individual fire risk. According to the presented methods, it is possible to determine the required number of self-rescue devices for people based on the technical characteristics of these devices and the time of hazardous fire factors occurence. The procedure is given concerning the calculation of the probability of people rescue when using the appropriate technical devices, and the effect of this probability on the estimated value of individual fire risk. The methods allowed to substantiate increase in safety level for people who have no opportunity to leave the building in the standard mode in the event of fire. The proposed methods made it possible to reveal the potential of using rescue equipment from the height. For manufacturers it became possible to develop rescue devices suitable for specific types of buildings (selecting the appropriate technical characteristics of the means: preparation time, activation time and descent speed). The results of the study allow to visually show the additional parameters that positively effect the fire-extinguishing condition of the objects, as well as the estimated value of the individual fire risk of people loss of life that will be topically for retraining and advanced training of the enterprise employees responsible for labor protection and fire safety.
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